What I Wish I Knew Before I Started Blogging

While it sometimes seems like I started this journey yesterday, I’ve been blogging for a while now! I have found it so fulfilling to be able to share my life, style, and thoughts with you all on Front Roe. I love getting your questions and comments, and I am so grateful for the little community that we’ve created. However, it hasn’t always been easy. From an outside perspective, blogging can seem like it’s all fun and games. But when it comes down to it, there is a lot of hard work, planning, creativity, passion, late nights and early mornings that go into making it all work. Blogging allows people the freedom to express themselves, and allows an audience easy access to an unlimited amount of inspiration, entertainment and knowledge on a huge variety of topics. If you’re thinking about starting a blog, read below for a few things I wish I would have known before starting Front Roe. I hope they can help you on your own journey!

1. Find Your Niche

Before starting your blog, think about a specific mission that you want to guide you through your posts. Maybe you’re passionate about healthy meals and exercise, finding fashionable clothes without breaking the bank, or even sharing your television and movie reviews. Whatever it is, make sure that you are writing about what interests you. When you are excited about a topic, it’s easier to be creative and it will translate in a more genuine way. Your audience will be able to see your enthusiasm shine through with your content.

2. Social Media Isn’t Always Priority #1

Yes, social media is a great way to promote your content, gain and grow your following, and allow your audience an inside look in to who you really are. However, it’s crucial to nurture your blog above all else. It’s possible that certain social media outlets could someday disappear or go out of style. So, put the majority of your energy in to a well thought out blog, and use social media as a secondary tool to entice your readers to click the link in your bio. Always drive back to your blog when you can!

3. You’ll Need Help

It takes a village! You can’t do it all on your own, so in the early stages when you might not be able to hire an assistant, enlist trusted friends and family to help you. Whether it’s taking photos or proofreading your blog posts, it’s so helpful to have an extra set of eyes on your work. When you get to the point where you can hire help, do so! I’ve learned that it can be hard at first not to have a hand in every single detail, but learning to delegate and trust my team has helped me tremendously in growing my blog.

4. Find Your Inspo

No matter how much of an expert you are in your niche, it’s important to pay attention to what others in the space are doing. It’s also extremely helpful for gathering inspiration, which is important in being able to move your blog forward and come up with fresh content. I take advantage of the ‘save’ feature on Instagram, for when I come across an outfit or photo that inspires me. I also like to create Pinterest boards filled with everything from style inspiration to DIYS, which I pull from sometimes when I have writers block (it happens!). Use other blogs and sites to spark your own creativity, but remember to think for yourself and create content that is uniquely you.

5. It’s a 24/7 Job

Being a full time blogger isn’t all lattes and #OOTD’s! There is a lot of time that goes in to making Front Roe all that I want it to be, and there are no real days off. It’s important to constantly generate new content to keep your audience hooked. Even when I’m on vacation, I feel that it’s important to share moments with my audience, so I don’t always get to switch off completely. I find it helpful to use programs like Later or Coschedule to schedule your posts in advance, so you don’t have to constantly think about timing and whether or not you posted that day.

6. Interact With Your Audience

No matter how big or small, maintaining an active relationship with your audience is key. Don’t forget to like their comments, reply to as many DMs as you can, and take notice of who is interacting with your blog. Not only will it mean a lot to your readers, it can help you to better understand your demographic and cater to it accordingly.

7. Write For Yourself First

This is a cardinal rule of writing. If you don’t like to read it, who will? It’s great to bounce ideas off of family, friends, or other bloggers, but be sure that at the end of the day, you enjoy reading your own posts.

8. A Sponsored Post Balance

Sponsorships can be a key way to make money and grow your audience. After all, these sponsored posts are often a full time blogger’s main source of income. It is important, however, to be mindful of the products that you endorse. If you don’t truly believe in what you are posting about, it will show. Seek out paid partnerships that you feel good about and comfortable being a part of. And when you can, post as much genuine, unsponsored content as possible. Your audience will appreciate the balance.

9. Collaborate

Collaborations with other bloggers are the best! I have gotten to meet so many amazing people through blogging, and I love exposing my audience to bloggers that I like. These collaborations can be mutually beneficial for reaching a new target audience, growing your following, and more importantly, they’re SO FUN!

10. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Blogging is definitely not a traditional job. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the internet world, especially when you are putting yourself out there by sharing your personal thoughts on a blog. While it’s important to be professional and work, remember to take some time offline for yourself. Don’t let mean comments get you down, or discourage you from continuing to be yourself through your blog. If you’re having fun, your audience will too!

Do you have your own blog? Link it in the comments and I’ll check it out!

Louise Roe Wearing Red Beulah Jumpsuit Shares Blogging Tips and Career Advice
Louise Roe Wearing Red Beulah Jumpsuit Shares Blogging Tips and Career Advice
Louise Roe Wearing Red Beulah Jumpsuit Shares Blogging Tips and Career Advice
Louise Roe Wearing Red Beulah Jumpsuit Shares Blogging Tips and Career Advice
Louise Roe Wearing Red Beulah Jumpsuit Shares Blogging Tips and Career Advice
Louise Roe Wearing Red Beulah Jumpsuit Shares Blogging Tips and Career Advice

What I’m Wearing: Jumpsuit by Beulah, Sandals by Amanu (similar here), Sunglasses by Kendall + Kylie


29 responses to “What I Wish I Knew Before I Started Blogging”

  1. Great post – thanks for sharing your tips!

  2. I love these blogging tips! I have been following you since seeing your show plain jane. I can’t resust a good makeover show ?

    I write for apple shaped budget conscious women at midorilei.com ?

  3. Toa says:

    Hi Louis,

    Thanks for posting these insights! I’m just wondering how you deal with perfectionism. This is just a huge struggle for me. I would love to start my own blog, but then my perfectionism is blocking me and it drives me crazy! Would love to know how you handle that.

  4. Morgan Gwyne says:


    For the last year and a half I have been dancing around the idea of creating my own blog; conceptualizing, brainstorming, furiously scribbling out writing topics, gathering content. Yesterday, I began creating my actual online presence. This post came at the exact right time for me. Thank you!!

    Grosses bises,
    imperfectly present

  5. Carey says:

    Thanks for sharing these insights!

    xo, Carey

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE all your tips and tricks and what you are doing with Front Roe! I started my blog for my friends and family back in Sweden to be able to read about what I was up to in California but then other people started to pay a visit to it too so I should def start taking it a bit more seriously. Thank you so much for the inspo<3

  7. Bee says:

    How do you organise your ideas for your posts? I mean i could talk for hours about stuff that im interested in but not sure i can organise my thoughts properly though.

  8. Alicia Moore says:

    Love your blog and your style! Check my blog if you can and let me know what you think ☺️

  9. Katie says:

    http://Www.ari-and-me.com is my blog ? would love you to check it out

  10. Bridget says:

    I started my blog this winter and am so thankful for your advice! Love your blog ❤️

  11. Susana says:

    I do have a Blog its http://suustylefashion.com/ and my Instagram si @suu.style. Thank you so much for your advise it si really helpful

  12. Thank you! I started a travel blog..I’m 41 not 21 🙂 I do it because it’s my passion and I get to relive my travels.
    I find the tec side a bit daunting however! Im a full time Realtor but my true love is traveling. I don’t know if anything will come of it but it’s fun for the time being.
    I enjoy your honesty and authentic nature.

  13. I really appreciate this post! I started my own blog 9 months ago when I started touring in the Broadway show An American In Paris. I wanted to sort of scrapbook my memories online. Now I want to turn it into a business so I appreciate all the advice I can get!

  14. I love this! Thanks so much. Especially the social media mention- will try to put more love into my blog and a bit less in social media. Incredible how you manage to keep your blog up to date, despite having a baby- that’s what I find the hardest! Keep it up ❤️ X

  15. Becca Robson says:

    Love your blog and every detail you post, from your OOTD inspo to your fresh take on life and your adorable family. I am two months into launching my blog so this was really helpful!!

  16. Hi Louise,

    I’m a ‘casual blogger’ blogging about my kidney transplant & motherhood to 3 babies doctors said I couldn’t have. I’ve only just started again after having my babies. Mamaandkidney.com. Feedback appreciated – UK northerner xx

  17. Heleen says:

    Nice tips for starters Louise! Much tips I wanted to know when i started earlier, but most important is to have fun! And i do have fun writing but also reading other blogs. I do have a blog, but its a dutch one?

  18. Fiona says:

    I’m new to blogging but please feel free to check it out if you have some free time 🙂 I love your stuff!

  19. Wow! I needed this today. I just started and realize that maybe I am not cut out for this kind of “job”? I need an outlet, though to express my new beginnings, plus design. I wanted to be on my own pace and I see that the rest of the world is twirling a lot faster than me. I felt my first post was good and the last one was the worse. The next is questionable…urgg. Ok well here is mine, http://www.christinarougerie/blog … nonetheless, your post really helped me to refocus on what’s important! Thank you!

  20. Lala Kerry says:

    Hi Louise, I recently launched my blog and finding a hard time to get ideas. But I’ve been reading a lot of your posts and your tips on this one totally help me out especially about writing for myself. During my teen years, I love watching your shows and to be able to find out and comment on your blog is so exciting. Thank you so much and I love your blog!

  21. Hannah says:

    I started a blog because I love to write but sometimes find myself thinking ‘what’s the point’. Sometimes you just need that reminder not to take yourself too seriously and enjoy it! These posts are always helpful and grounding.
    Thanks Louise

  22. Linda says:

    Red jumpsuit looks amazing! Love the black cat-eye sunnies and minimalist style black flat sandals.
    Linda from http://fashiontrendwalk.com/

  23. Dila says:


    You are amazing! I loved your tips. I downloaded apps you suggested. Many thanks! 🙂 I will be happy to be visited by you on my blog.



  24. Nat Maxey says:

    Thanks for the insight! I’ve been blogging on and off since 2012, but it wasn’t until the past year that I’m starting to find my POC; it’s still in progress as I’m in a new season of life compared to when I started “Nat in Love. ” How do you handle life changes and still maintaining your brand?


  25. Libby says:

    Hi Louise, I’ve been a huge fan of yours since your “Plain Jane” days. I love that your content is always honest and real, and I thank you for being an Influencer that I truly trust. I only wish you and your family the absolute best and can’t wait to see where your adventures take you next!

  26. I’m not sure how I got here lol, but these tips are very valuable. I have a Drums Blog (DrummersArt) with some friends. We do it for fun, but it is soooo much work. However we have fun doing it, we hope some day we could become the Front Row of drumming. Greetings!

  27. I’m not sure how I got here lol, but these tips are very valuable. I have a Drums Blog (DrummersArt) with some friends. We do it for fun, but it is soooo much work. However we have fun doing it, we hope some day we could become the Front Roe of drumming. Greetings!

  28. Soumya says:

    Ma’am I really like to write. I have just passed out from class twelth and I want to start blogging. I don’t know much about it about the process , how to get profesional , when and how to look for the sponsors . May you please help me out a bit .

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