A Pregnancy-Safe Anti-Aging Cosmetic Treatment

You guys know that I’m a big advocate of non-invasive treatments for anti-aging, particularly laser treatments. I’ve discussed them at length on the blog before, and I love them because you see nearly instantaneous results with little to no downtime. I’m excited to share my experience of a treatment that I recently had with Dr. Lancer, a renowned dermatologist at his clinic in Beverly Hills. I’ve had a visible vein under my eye for ages, and it’s something that’s always bothered me. Though small, the vein was really dark and often refused to be covered by concealer. It was most noticeable when I was super tired or jet lagged (which is often!). I remember not being able to cover it at all during Fashion Weeks in previous years, and feeling very self conscious of seeing it in photos. There have even been plenty of people in the past who tried to wipe it off my face because they thought it was a mascara smudge on my skin! I’d finally had enough, so I started looking into treatment options and discovered Dr. Lancer and his undereye laser treatment.

Dr. Lancer himself suffered severe burns over 10% of his body after falling into a vat of near boiling water when he was very young, and the experience of recovering from this cultivated his belief in restoration, rather than alteration, as the best way to obtain beautiful skin. I think it’s this approach and his super-skills that make him such a favorite with celebrities – he regularly treats A-listers, being Victoria Beckham’s go-to for facials in LA and taking care of the skin of celebrities like Sandra Bullock.

When I was sitting in his office about to have the vein zapped, Dr. Lancer put me at ease. Once I lay down on the bed ready to have the vein disappear, he zapped the skin about 6 times with the laser – which felt a little bit like having an elastic band pinged against my skin. It wasn’t exactly relaxing and blissful, but it also wasn’t that bad, and it was over very quickly! Mackenzie couldn’t believe how much of a baby I was when I showed him the camera footage I took of me having the vein zapped because it was such a simple procedure! If you would also like to have a laugh at me being a drama queen, you can watch it in my in my recent LA vlog here.

The little bit of pain was well worth it anyway as I couldn’t believe the results I saw almost immediately after the procedure – the vein looked so much lighter and less visible. At a follow-up appointment two weeks later Dr Lancer reassessed the area and decided that it needed a few more zaps (I tried to be less of a baby this time!). A few weeks on and I’m honestly amazed at how much lighter the vein appears, and even when I’m tired! I can definitely see why so many A-listers and people in the public eye trust Dr Lancer to look after their skin – I don’t think I could have been in better hands. And better yet, the treatment was 100% safe for my baby as well!


2 responses to “A Pregnancy-Safe Anti-Aging Cosmetic Treatment”

  1. Rachel says:

    Would love to see some makeup free before and afters.

  2. Rachael Pearson says:

    wow! This Dr sounds amazing! Wish there was a recommendation from you of a Dr like that in London.

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