#FrontRoe Travel: My Stay At NYFW

I can’t believe that New York Fashion Week is already drawing to a close! It was a whirlwind week, full of fashion shows, parties, hosting, meetings, shoots and work work work. And a little fun plus a few cocktails thrown in for good measure! At this point I feel a bit like a NYFW regular (I’ve been going for almost ten years now), and have a few tips and favorite spots for anyone visiting New York, whether it’s during Fashion Week or just for fun.

When you’re deciding where to stay in New York, it’s all about location. As cool as Brooklyn is, during Fashion Week it’s so important to be in Manhattan. Most of the shows are held there, and with everything being so fast paced and having to rush between events, it’s helpful to be able to take a quick subway or Uber ride to get to where you need to go. I recently had the pleasure of staying at Hilton’s Midtown location and was so impressed with both the hotel itself, and the location. It’s right in the heart of theatre-land, just steps away from the bright lights of Times Square, and Central Park is also within walking distance. It is such a great base for all of the craziness of the week – it is amazing to be able to quickly pop in, switch outfits before heading back out again. I even took a few minutes in the morning to enjoy having a yummy breakfast-in-bed!

The room was light and airy (great when you’re doing makeup at 6am!) and big enough to fit my ridiculous amounts of luggage. Plus, the bar even has a fashion week themed-cocktail. Cute.

You guys might already know that I’m addicted to Priv, and Hilton’s Midtown location even has a partnership with them, so you can get spa and makeup services right in your hotel room. That was an absolute must during Fashion Week. When you’re on New York time, you need to take advantage of any chance you get to shave a few minutes off of your schedule, whether you’re getting ready or rushing to your next fashion event. Not to mention, a massage in the evening before bed… heaven. Until next time, NYC! To book a stay with Hilton, check out their locations near you here.


In Partnership with Hilton Hotels


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4 responses to “#FrontRoe Travel: My Stay At NYFW”

  1. Marilyn Broyles says:

    Great read on fashion week.

  2. Kelly says:

    I love your OTK boots and it looks like you had a great time in NYC! And congrats on your Bloglovin award!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  3. ladyagat says:

    Love this jacket <3 Congratulations on your Bloglovin!!


  4. Sandra says:

    Beautiful outfits! <3 I wish i am not as slim as you 🙁 🙁

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