Room Reveals

The Kitchen

This is the most requested room reveal- it was with the last house too! The kitchen is the heart of the home, even if I’m not a natural cook. As in most homes, it’s the one room where we congregate as a family and where we entertain our guests. I […]

Our Bedroom

This is the room that is probably the most similar to the old house- we loved it so much so we wanted to replicate it in London but with some tweaks.  The carpet is super soft by Alternative Flooring- it’s their Wool Pebble in Omaha. Wool is so lovely as […]

The Living Room

Bringing you the first room reveal of our new house: the living room! It’s a real mixture of the snug and the drawing room from the old house; the snug because we used it all the time and the drawing room because it was such a lovely space for entertaining….not that we managed to do […]

What’s On My Bedside Table

I’m constantly thinking about what I might do differently in the new house and making our bedroom into a cosy, quiet space is a real priority. As Mackenzie and I work from home, every room (at one point or another) has been used as a makeshift office but the bedroom […]

Guest Bedroom Reveal

Guest bedrooms are amongst the rooms that need the most attention to detail; I always wanted this house to be somewhere we could have lots of friends to stay and we were lucky that we could create some really lovely spaces. So here is the guest bedroom reveal! This room […]

Coach House Reveal

The Coach House reveal is one of the last areas left to show you. I saved this one until the end as I knew I wanted it to be its own little guesthouse and so it’s a mix of antiques, things from LA and items left over from the main […]

The Utility Room

It may sound strange, but one of the things I was desperate to have in this house was a utility room. Having not had an area to do laundry in LA, there were always clothes drying by the kitchen, which drove me mad! Especially now we’re about to have a second […]

The Blue Eaves Bedroom

The next in the series of room reveals is the blue eaves bedroom. This is the room that is requested by everyone before they come and stay and I can’t wait to be able to have friends over from LA, from London or from around the corner. It’s another eaves […]

Our Bright Orangery

Once the main rooms of the house were completed (you can see all of them here) we began work building our Orangery from scratch. We knew we wanted a light, bright room – and an orangery rather than a conservatory. The former has foundations and feels more like a sturdy room […]