At Home

Gift Wrapping Made Pretty

Wrapping presents really puts me in a Christmas mood and this year I’m starting a little earlier, so that we can put all the presents under the tree. Nothing completes the festive look quite like it. Usually it’s a frantic Christmas Eve rush to wrap everything between Honor’s bedtime and […]

Gift Guide 2020: Stocking Fillers

It’s not just the children who get excited for Father Christmas to arrive- I love opening stockings on Christmas mornings. It’s always been a Christmas Day highlight for me and I love seeing how excited Honor gets when she realises that Santa has been in the night! So here is […]

Gift Guide 2020: For Him

Men are notoriously difficult to buy for so I find I’m constantly buying Mackenzie things like socks. This year I’m over ordering on the lotions and potions so he stops stealing mine; looking at the latest Kitchen gadgets and stockpiling trusty pyjamas, sleek stationery and things for the at-home bar. […]

Gift Guide 2020: For Little Ones

Honor has been preparing her letter to Father Christmas for ages and it’s been a great opportunity for me to steal a glance at her list of favourites. I love the dolls house in particular- I remember getting one for Christmas when I was little and I still have it. […]

Gift Guide 2020: My Wishlist

    Bringing you the first of my 2020 Holiday Gift Guides with my very own wishlist! A sparkly heel for New Year, a cosy coat for country walks and some classic gold jewellery to add to my trinket collection. Click on the items to shop them directly and add […]

A Happy Friendsgiving Table

Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday ever. Even though I’d never celebrated it before moving to LA, some of my happiest memories of living there took place around Thanksgiving and so it’s the one American tradition that we’ve brought home. We call it Friendsgiving to remind us of our get togethers […]

The Room That’s Made For Winter

I’ve often thought that rooms have seasons and our Dining Room is definitely the room that’s made for winter. We’re definitely going to carry on our LA love of Thanksgiving and I’m hoping we can enjoy some raucous dinner parties as well as a big family Christmas lunch in here […]

Autumn Fireside Reads

One thing I really did enjoy about spending so much time at home is the amount of books I got to devour. I always have a paperback on the go but I’ve put together a list of everything I’ve read recently as I could recommend them all. Some are new […]

The One Thing That’s Changed My Mornings

I did a two-day juice cleanse the other day and loved how it made me feel. I had a lot more energy, better concentration and generally felt more bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I’ve continued drinking celery juice and it’s the one thing that’s changed my mornings. The benefits of celery are […]