My Secret Weapon For A Better Night’s Sleep – Especially During Pregnancy

Sleep is one of the most important things for anyone’s health, but it becomes even more crucial (and elusive) when you’re pregnant. I’m almost 9 months pregnant now, and the baby is not only getting quite big, but also loves to dance around at night (as a morning person, I hope we don’t have a night owl on our hands!). Finding a comfortable sleeping position can be tricky, but today I’m sharing one of my secret weapons for sleeping during pregnancy. I’ve shared my obsession with my Sleep Number® bed on the blog before, but it’s been especially life-saving during these last few months.

Did you know you’re not supposed to sleep on your back when you’re pregnant? It can actually cut off circulation to a major vein that supplies blood flow to the baby, which is obviously very dangerous. As a back sleeper, this has taken some adjusting to. With my Sleep Number bed, I’m able to adjust it each night to fit my own personal standard of coziness (my Sleep Number setting), which honestly changes nightly. I can make the mattress softer, firmer, move up the legs to lessen pressure on my hips, or – as I’ve done lately – tilt up the pillow end which somehow helps the baby calm down and stop kicking like a championship soccer player. On the other hand, some nights being on my side feels best – so I’m able to lay it flat. I have a feeling this mattress is going to be even more of a lifesaver once I’m a mummy and feeding her constantly – being able to sit up at the push of a button is genius! Point is – with a constantly changing belly, it’s a godsend to be able to adjust my mattress accordingly. The best part is, your partner can do the same. You can both adjust the firmness separately, and to your liking, making this bed a great investment for newlyweds, or any couple that’s looking to get a better night’s rest that is uniquely tailored to each of their needs.

Want to try it out for yourself? I’m partnering with Sleep Number to gift you a luxe sleep set (worth $3,499!), including a free i7 smart bed – this is MAJOR guys! Enter by tagging 3 friends under my recent Instagram pic, and comment the reason why you need this bed in your life. Winner will be chosen at random and contacted next week!

Louise Roe Sleep Number Bed Review
Louise Roe Sleep Number Bed Review
Louise Roe Sleep Number Bed Review
Louise Roe Sleep Number Bed Review
Louise Roe Sleep Number Bed Review
Louise Roe Sleep Number Bed Review
Louise Roe Sleep Number Bed Review

For more tips on how to sleep well during pregnancy, visit Sleep Number’s blog.

This post was brought to you by Sleep Number. All thoughts and opinions, as always, are my own.


8 responses to “My Secret Weapon For A Better Night’s Sleep – Especially During Pregnancy”

  1. Sarah says:

    What a fabulous giveaway! Happy Holidays!

  2. Karen Young says:

    I need this bed because I struggle st night to sleep. I have to prop up with pillows on the nights my reflux is acting up which inevitably leaves me with neck & back aches. I’m a flip flopper and side sleeping – what I prefer – is a chore to do. I just really need a new bed so I can sleep comfortably for more than a few hours!

  3. melissa says:

    im soooooo tired!

  4. Holly Doerr says:

    Wow! This bed sounds amazing!!!! My husband and I have had the same bed for a long time. I have three babies under three after every single pregnancy my body would become incredibly sore. Sleep was almost impossible! Between waking up every two hours to pee or care for my other babies it was hard to get comfortable without a multitude of pillows. Pushing a button to sit up sounds fantastic, especially after baby when you are soooo sore down below and it would make getting up to nurse a breeze! I can’t even imagine it! Lol Buying a new bed has been on our wish list for a long time! It would be fantastic to win this bed! Plus maybe my sweet husband would get more sleep if the bed was bigger to fit everyone! Haha ?

  5. Debra Simning-Chapman says:

    Thank you, Congratulations, and Merry Christmas.

  6. Marie Blakely says:

    I so need this bed because I am also pregnant in my third trimester and dying from back pain from our old old mattress!! It’s so hard to sleep on my side as I also am a back sleeper, not to mention my husband and I like different firmness in a mattress! Would be AMAZING to win and sleep so much better!!!!

  7. Franny says:

    This is such an amazing giveaway!! With 2 babies under 2 sleep is a luxury. So anything to get a good couple hours of sleep would be great!

  8. C. H. says:

    Was the winner ever picked for this?

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