Let’s Talk About CBD

I’m going somewhere a bit taboo on the blog today, talking about something that is starting to become mainstream but is still widely misunderstood: CBD. As many people do, I used to have some negative preconceptions about this product. I assumed it was just like regular marijuana, and that it made you high (no judgement at all on anyone who enjoys that – I tried it a couple of times at university and it just wasn’t for me). After a few years of seeing CBD oil pop up on many different health and wellness websites, as well as hearing so many stories from friends, I decided to dig deeper into the facts about CBD – and try it for myself.

So, What Is It?
CBD – or cannabidiol – is a chemical that is found in the cannabis plant. For those that don’t know (I didn’t), this chemical is different than THC, which is also found in the cannabis plant, but is the part of the plant that makes you high. It’s recently exploded onto the wellness scene, with many experts claiming that it treats all kinds of ailments, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, pain, acne, and inflammation – just to name a few. CBD products are now legal for medicinal use in 22 states, and legal for recreational use in nine states – including California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and others. In the UK, it’s legal only for medicinal use, meaning it needs to be prescribed by a doctor.

How To Use It
There are many different ways to administer CBD into your system. Some of the common ways include sublingual drops, ingestion of CBD products like gummies or capsules, and even topical application. Because our skin contains receptors for CBD, it can be used to treat pain directly on the affected area. In fact, many spas in LA now offer CBD oil-infused massages, to help with muscle aches and pains. In addition to trying CBD oil for sleep (see below), I’m currently trying out a few topical CBD products like this lotion for muscle relief, as since having Honor, i’ve experienced bad back and hip pain.

My Experience
I became interested in exploring CBD recently to help me sleep better. Now that Honor sleeps through the night, the irony is that I don’t! Apparently this is a common problem new mothers have. It’s a mix of anxiety and being so used to waking frequently throughout the night… your body and brain get used to the constant wakings. Sometimes I’ll be lying awake for hours while she sleeps, knowing she will wake up around 5:30am, so I only have the chance to get another hour or two – which panics me more and the cycle continues!

So I asked a few friends for advice and they told me the very important difference when buying CBD oil, between whether it includes THC or not. THC in the oil means it absorbs better into your body and has a more profound effect – but I didn’t want to feel remotely high (plus if you do get one containing THC – be sure to check the laws of states and countries before traveling with it). So I got the pure CBD oil variety – a brand called Plain Jane (which made me laugh out loud when I saw the label – I mean how funny is that?!). I started by taking half a dose at first, which was very effective – I slept well but wasn’t drowsy in the morning. I have actually never taken a full dose – only ever half or a quarter, on certain nights when I need it. And the result? I sleep right through… unless Honor has other ideas! I am also looking forward to trying some CBD skincare products, which are said to calm inflammation and redness. I’m also currently trying a new CBD oil from Mowellens which aims to decrease stress. According to the ladies over at Mowellens, this strain of CBD will not have any psychoactive effect, and is safe for all adults to use. It can be taken mixed with a beverage such as coffee, tea or your favorite food. If you’re looking for a CBD product with no THC, this is a great option!

Have you guys ever tried it? I’d love to hear your experiences – tell me below!

Louise Roe Lifestyle and Wellness Tips On CBD Oil


6 responses to “Let’s Talk About CBD”

  1. Geraldine says:

    Like you,I’ve been researching CBD.
    Where did you buy the Plain Jane please?
    I’ve been to the infamous Med Nen stores and it all has THC.
    Thank you!
    Love your blog!

  2. Kate Wood says:

    Hi Louise,
    What percentage cbd oil do you use?
    Thank you!

  3. Bita T. says:

    Hi Louise!
    I tried it for sleep too… without THC… and it helped me get some sleep and I didn’t feel drowsy in the morning either and didn’t have as much body pain. I also got it for my mom who is a stroke survivor and has suffered Aphasia because of the stroke. It helped her with muscle pain and spasticity… also her overall mood and memory has gotten better. The brand I get is Charlotte’s Web.

  4. Camilla Schmitt says:

    You should contact Saint Jane Beauty, Get samples, try them, and write about it.

  5. Louisa says:

    It’s legal to buy in the UK without prescription – it’s popping up everywhere. I’m a new mum too and suffering with the same issue so I’ll give it a go.

  6. Terry says:

    Thanks for sharing, we have recently released a new article on the effects of CBD for Insomnia and it might help your audience.

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